title = “Mobile visual clothing search” date = 2013-07-01T00:00:00 draft = false
["Bob Smith", "David Jones"]
.authors = [“GA Cushen”, “MS Nixon”]
publication_types = [“1”]
publication = “In International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW), IEEE.” publication_short = “In ICMEW“
abstract = “We present a mobile visual clothing search system whereby a smart phone user can either choose a social networking photo or take a new photo of a person wearing clothing of interest and search for similar clothing in a retail database. From the query image, the person is detected, clothing is segmented, and clothing features are extracted and quantized. The information is sent from the phone client to a server, where the feature vector of the query image is used to retrieve similar clothing products from online databases. The phone’s GPS location is used to re-rank results by retail store location. State of the art work focuses primarily on the recognition of a diverse range of clothing offline and pays little attention to practical applications. Evaluated on a challenging dataset, the system is relatively fast and achieves promising results.” abstract_short = “A mobile visual clothing search system is presented whereby a smart phone user can either choose a social networking image or capture a new photo of a person wearing clothing of interest and search for similar clothing in a large cloud-based ecommerce database. The phone’s GPS location is used to re-rank results by retail store location, to inform the user of local stores where similar clothing items can be tried on.”
image_preview = “”
selected = true
projects = ["deep-learning"]
references content/project/deep-learning.md
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for no tags, or use the form tags = ["A Tag", "Another Tag"]
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url_pdf = “http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/352095/1/Cushen-IMV2013.pdf" url_preprint = “http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/352095/1/Cushen-IMV2013.pdf" url_code = “#” url_dataset = “#” url_project = “#” url_slides = “#” url_video = “#” url_poster = “#” url_source = “#”
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More detail can easily be written here using Markdown and $\rm \LaTeX$ math code.